Thursday, November 04, 2010

I have drank...

No! No you haven't!

You have drunk.

And also, you were NOT sat down.
Not unless someone sat you down there. Like you were a dog.

Deep breath. I'm OK now


Cooking Lager said...

Relax. Chill out. Get a Foster's down you. You can never be angry with a can of Foster's in your hand. It's won't seem so bad with a bit of the amber nectar.

StringersBeer said...

I genuinely can't remember the last time I drank beer from a tin can. Perhaps that is what's wrong with me. Thanks for the tip.

CatBar said...

I will drank some of you beer this weekend, if I can find it..

Jeff Pickthall said...

Have you been in Barrow by any chance?

Helen Stringer said...

You should try living in the US. "I should have went..."

As in, I should have went and moved to a country where they could actually speak the language.

Unknown said...

Please don't resort to drinking Fosters there are far more superior Australian brews out there. Check out our site to see for yourself:

StringersBeer said...

Not only superior, but more superior, and not just that but far more superior. Jeez mate, they must be fantastic. Oh hang on, we're only comparing them to "Fosters". I take your point.