This is Jon's personal "blog" - I work at an independent microbrewery (a small-scale, artisanal producer of “real ale” and other beery treats), based in the Furness area in Cumbria (or N. Lancs if you'd rather). Or a "Craft Brewer", if you like. We're known as "Stringers", or "Stringers Beer". I don't just make beer - I also sound-off in half-informed rants on a variety of subjects. Like here.
And Now for the Good
Now, you'll likely be aware that London can be a minefield for the cask
drinker, but it isn't always so. In this short post, I'll tell you about
three p...
What wasn't allowed in a pub in 1914? (part seven)
It's a pretty long list of inadmissible activities. And it will continue to
get longer.
There were several activities relating to elections which were fo...
The Session - Best at Home
This month's iteration of The Session is being hosted by Ray and Jess over
at Boak and Bailey, and the theme they have presented us with is:
"What's the ...
What I learned, volunteering as a charity Chair
Looking back, one of the best ways in which I have learned and developed is
through workplace volunteering. With support from an inspiring Chair at
My Golden Pints for 2024
Well, here we are again, same procedure as every year: the Golden Pints.
Skip to the end for the important one (assuming that anyone is interested
in any...
*Green Hop Season 2024*
This year we're celebrating the Green Hop season to its fullest, with two
events at our Taproom.
*Green Hop Launch*
*Save the...
Last night at the JT
*Yesterday evening, I went to the Jerusalem Tavern. It was the pub's last
The operators, St Peter's Brewery, haven't renewed their long lease, an...
A final pint
My last blog post was a bit of a downer. I’ll try to cheer up on this one.
I seem to have created a theme of chronicling end of pubs. The travails of
A Tale Of Two Weekends
The never ending tour of Manchester continues. With a lot of places either
still closed completely or not opening early in the week, it's easier to do
a ...
The Session: Where I'm/It's At.
Well, it has been a while. Since there was a proper Session. Since I wrote
a thing on this blog. Glad to be prodded. I think about blogging often, but
The Positively Unknown
New book announcement! "The Positively Unknown: A Kid's Guide to the
Zymoglyphic Museum" is now available. Pick up a copy while you are
visiting the mu...
Letting go
It is often difficult to accept defeat. Indeed, when one has been working
on something for a long time it can be almost impossible to actually make
that fi...
We are taking a break
Dear Reader.
Due to various unforeseen circumstances, 'A Swift One' is taking a short
sabbatical. We apologise to all for the lack of content but we hope t...
Passive-aggressive hate mail
Way back in 2001, my brother and I opened a specialist beer bar in London.
You can read more about it *here*.
The way we were doings things proved fairly n...
Caxton Inn / XX Inn, River Street
Caxton Inn, River Street, Hulme, 1921. (c) Bob Potts [1]. The Caxton Inn
was a Carlton Brewery house that stood on the corner of River Street and
Welcomb S...
Brooklyn Comes To Dalston
Brooklyn Brewery are on the road again, taking their 'Mash' concept out to
nine countries. This week, they've been in London, with events like a DIY
Thomas Hardy's Ale Reborn
This beauty arrived by post yesterday so I thought it was time to end my
The rights to the Thomas Hardy Ale name have now passed to a company in...
Recipe for
Busy days, busy days. I had an hour in departures this week with no
wireless and a useless phone so my 150 e-mails per day couldn’t find me.
During my co...
His name is "Stay!"
I'm lucky enough to get a call every so often from the Endress+Hauser
Corporation to make something out of their spare parts. They give me full